The Uniform of the National Guard of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (SANG).
The Saudi National Guard is one of the best-equipped and most capable armed forces in the Middle East. Their headquarters are located in the city of Riyadh. Also known as the White Army, it is one of the three major branches of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

National Guards of the Kingdom

Emblem of the Ministry of National Guard of Saudi Arabia
There are several military colleges across the country, as well as a Military Academy. Students receive multi-level studies that include training abroad. Soldier recruitment is reserved strictly for Saudi nationals. As a continuing tradition SANG special unit of horse cavalry is maintained for ceremonial purposes and special events!

A group of National Guard soldiers
The Saudi Arabian National Guard and the Royal Saudi Land Forces have approximately equal numbers of troops, and they have different duties. The Royal Saudi Land Forces are responsible to respond to external threats. The Saudi Arabian National Guard is expected to be an auxiliary force in the cases of danger, and are a last line of defense for the nation and for the House of Saud itself. The two national forces report to its own ministry correspondingly: the Ministry of Defense and the National Guard Ministry.

Saudi Arabian National Guard showing their weaponry skills
The National Guard has roots dating back to before the founding of Saudi Arabia. The group originally started as a force of tribal Bedouins that supported the ruling House of Saud in the early 20th century. They held absolute loyalty to the first Saudi king Abdul Aziz.

The Saudi King’s Elite (King’s Guard) in their traditional dress banishing their swords, 1945
I have encountered a few records of the outstanding abilities of some tribe members. In the book The Bedouins of Arabia, Thierry Mauger wrote as follows:

Quote from the book describing the skills of the bedouins.
Image source The Bedouins of Arabia book by Thierry Mauger
In the book Traditional Crafts of Saudi Arabia by John Topham also refers to the tracking and hunting skills of the bedouins:

Quote from the book describing Al Murrah tribe member knowledge.
Image source Traditional Crafts of Saudi Arabia book by John Topham
Nowadays these abilities inherited from predecessors, give young men a great advantage when studying in the military colleges. The National Guard of Saudi Arabia not only has a prevailing number of bedouin soldiers, but some units are organized along tribal lines with appropriate tribe leaders in command. This structure makes the National Guard an influential, prestigious and capable security force.

Graduation ceremony in a Saudi military school
There is a study project “Saudi Arabia National Guard (SANG)” by Colonel Bandar Nahil Al Harbi, Saudi Arabia National Guard that has more information on the subject.

A student graduating from a Saudi military school
You can see proud National Guards in their uniforms parading during honorary visits of high-level personas to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi National Guard during the visit of the US President Obama

Saudi National Guard during the visit of Prince Charles

Saudi National Guard during the visit of the Eritrean delegation
Image source unknown

One of the Saudi National Guards
The National Guard forces also undertake assisting pilgrims during their hajj, and are taking part in the implementation of various social programs in the Kingdom (like cultural festivals for example).